Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 45

Yesterday, I pumped 5 oz and she nursed for 30 minutes...yes, we're NURSING AGAIN!!! And without the SNS. She's getting about 3 oz in the morning from me, then a 4 oz. bottle of BM. So, that brings me to about 8 oz/day now!

I'm so thankful for Domperidone. I'm on my way to providing her 2 of her 5 bottles a day now. And maybe, just maybe, if I keep this up, I can provide more BM than formula in a day. That may be a lofty goal, but I never even thought I could provide this much for her. Still taking more milk plus, fenugreek and blessed thistle.

Even if I don't make more than 8 oz, I consider this a huge success. I'm beyond thrilled that my daughter and I have a nursing relationship again. Nothing like smiles and giggles with a boobie in her mouth!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

End of week 5

I've upped the domperidone to 4 pills 4x/day. Taking More Milk Plus, Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle and finishing a bottle of Goat's Rue. Not sure if I will continue it, but looking into alfalfa as well. I know, a lot of herbs, but if I can continue to increase my supply, I hope to wean off most and only take domperidone and more milk plus.

Today, I've pumped 5.5 ounces and nursed once with the SNS, bringing me up to 6 oz today! Yay! So, I'm up an ounce from last week. Yay!

Friday, January 28, 2011


So, it's been a while since my last (and first) entry. I started my journey a month ago, making not 1 drop. Thanks to Day 4 of Domperidone (plus more milk plus, goat's rue, blessed thistle and alfalfa), I'm producing 5 oz!!! I can't believe it! I went from 1.5-2 oz all day to 5 oz since Monday and it's now Friday.

It's a long journey, but my goal is to provide 12 oz of BM for my munchkin. I'm almost 1/2 way there. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to provide all the milk she needs. We'll see where this journey takes me.

I'd also like for her to nurse without the SNS. But, if not, I'm thankful I have the SNS to continue our nursing relationship. If that's what I have to do for us to nurse, I'll do it until she weans.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Last 3 weeks

I wanted to take some time to document my relactation journey in case I'm successfull and this will help other BF'ing ladies in their own personal journey.

When my baby girl was 4 months old, we went for our check up and she had fallen off the charts. So, I took charge, called my LC and got in right away. We put a plan in place (which included getting off the mini-pill) and that weekend I was going to do a nursing weekend. Well, on Dec. 12th, I got sick. I was throwing up and thought...great, here it is, the nasty stomach flu. The next days dragged on and by Tuesday, I was so dehydrated, I wasn't producing any milk. My friend took me to the ER and low and behold, my appendix ruptured. I had emergency surgery within 2 hours of being diagnosed since they thought I had ruptured it on Saturday. Needless to say, I was very, very sick and one more day, we're not sure what the outcome would be.

After 9 days in the hospital and a nasty bacteria infection, I finally was able to see my baby girl. I tried pumping in the hospital, but was so exhausted and sick, I made very little milk. By the time I came home with all my antibiotics, she had been on formula the whole time.

I was (and still am) completely heartbroken that I can't nurse. So, I decided, I will relactate. She's still refusing the breast (the bottle flow is sooo much better mommy...why oh why would I want this?!). I can't take a bath with her because of my incisions and our attempts at kangaroo and laying in bed together nakey have been unsuccessful...but that's ok. We're going to keep at it.

I went from not getting one drop when I pumped to getting 1/4 of an ounce at this point with each pumping. I'm taking more milk plus and pumping every 2-3 hours during the day with 2 "power hours" each day.

After consulting with my LC, we decided given all I've been through, it may be worth a shot to try Reglan or Domperidome. I'm hoping to get my OB to prescribe me domperidome because it seems to have less side-effects. I'm afraid of slipping into depression from the Reglan since I'm already struggling dealing with what had happened...and at Christmas too....with one present bought before I went in the baby girl's first Christmas...I'm still heartbroken by all of this.

At this point, I have 1 3/4 oz. in the fridge. I'm hoping in the next few days to actually have a full bottle of BM to give to my girl. I hate this formula stuff. Her breath stinks, her pee stinks, her poo is, well, wow and she is a lot fussier on formula...much, much gassier.

I've been home from the hospital for 10 days now. Let's hope everyday yields more milk.